This full-day conference will shed light on the challenges and potential solutions facing businesses as they strive to make their organisations less paper-based and more digital. Many companies find it difficult to know where to start; others have digitised parts of the organisation but do not have an overall plan and are not taking full advantage of the benefits of digitisation.

Malta’s leading authority on Artificial Intelligence will talk about how you should make AI a central element of your digitisation strategy, and you will see real examples of how it is already working in Maltese companies.

International speakers representing various tech companies related to digitalisation will offer their views on potential pitfalls and concrete solutions.


8:30 Registration and Welcome Coffee
9:00 Keynote - Digital Transformation in 2024
9:35 AI and Digital Transformation - looking to the future
10:10 Real world example of digitisation in action
10:45 Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:15 Breakout Sessions - Part 1
Breakout Room 1 – Main Hall
11:15 - 11:40 Digital Signatures 101 - what types are they and what is EIDAS anyway?
5-min interval between sessions - change breakout room if needed
Breakout Room 1
Main Hall
Breakout Room 2
Drawing Room (downstairs)
Breakout Room 3
Orchid Room (1st Floor)
11:45 - 12:10 Process Automation - greater efficiency, higher profitability How we can future-proof client communications in today's digital world? Easier, Simpler, Faster - unified cloud solutions in retail
12:15 - 13:15 Networking Lunch
13:15 - 14:45 Breakout Sessions - Part 2
Breakout Room 1
Main Hall
Breakout Room 2
Drawing Room (downstairs)
Breakout Room 3
Orchid Room (1st Floor)
13:15 - 13:40 The Thorny Issue of Trust in a Connected World - signature capture/on-boarding/physical and digital co-existence The Power of CRM - know your customer That Pesky Archive! Everybody's Dirty Secret - how can you deal with it once and for all?
5-min interval between sessions - change breakout room if needed
13:45 - 14:10 It's Business in 2024 - document security, access compliance, audit, traceability DIY Forms - a must in a changing digital world Defend Your Data
5-min interval between sessions - change breakout room if needed
14:15 - 14:40 Leveraging AI and Automation - processing incoming documents Data Data Everywhere! - pitfalls, problems, and solutions Business Intelligence - do I really need a pretty picture?
14:45 - 15:00 Short coffee break
15:00 Digital transformation best practice from a Fortune 500 company - handling change and sustainability
15:20 An AI Story
15:45 - 16:00 Closing remarks

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